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The 10 Best Gay Anthems

The 10 Best Gay Anthems

The 10 Best Gay Anthems

Everybody loves a good banger. But, some songs just hit differently for the LGBTQ community. Click on any song to listen to it in Spotify. Here is the LGBTQ AF Top 10 Best Gay Anthems:

How can you have a gay anthem list without YMCA? It's on every dance party playlist in the world. Come on. You all know the motions. Y! M! C! A!

If you're anywhere around my age, you probably think "Mo Money Mo Problems" when this song first comes on the radio. But, before Puff and Biggie got their hands on it, I'm Coming Out was a huge anthem for Diana Ross, and continues to be a gay favorite to this day.

Hellelujah! Ever been to a gay bar and NOT heard this song at some point? Me neither. This banger cuts straight to the point. 

Unless you've been living under a rock at the bottom of the ocean on a planet not-yet-discovered, you know how to Vogue. This iconic song, video, and dance was all the rage through the 90s. You'll still catch people breaking out a drunken Vogue at the end of the night.

Am I the only person who pictures Melissa Etheridge in a Dawson's Creek scene climbing up to someone's bedroom window every time I hear this song? Yes? Ok, then.

This song rocks. Gay anthem or not, this is a song that deserves a spot in your rotation. It's catchy. It's well-written. It's truly a great song. If you're looking for a new song to add to you gay songs playlist, this should be it.

This is another song that might not be as well known as others on this list, but it should be. I first heard this song way back when Josiah Leming did it on American Idol. I fell in love with the song immediately and have been blasting it ever since.

If you don't get hyped when the chorus of this song comes on, are you even alive? This hit has a positive message and and undeniably catchy melody.

Born This Way is possibly the most iconic LGBTQ anthem of the 2010s. Queen Gaga has always been deeply entrenched in the LGBTQ community, and we love her for that.

Have you ever really taken the time to genuinely listen to the lyrics of this song? It is unbelievably powerful and wonderful. Macklemore, as a straight man, does an amazing job of showing how he understood at a young age that equality is important and a fundament right for all.


There you have it. LGBTQ AF's top 10 favorite gay songs. Hopefully, you found a new song or two to check out, or remembered a great hit that you haven't listened to for years.

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